mercredi 29 août 2012

Details, Details, Details....

I currently weigh 97kg. Or 213 lbs. YIKES! While most people would never guess, I can certainly tell :/ I'm tall and muscular - but presently fat. The photo below is from this weekend with our friends. And like the blog says - somethings gotta give!

My lovely step son goes home tomorrow and my husband goes back to work. What does that mean? It means that I'll be able to breath again! It just helps when we're in a routine and since hubs has been home there is noooo routine. 

So, what am I going to do about it other than complain? I'm presently ordering Turbo Fire from and will give that a whirl.

I'm also going to try getting to the gym with my friend 3 times a week for overall body toning and strength conditioning (I like to move heavy things ;) 

Lastly I'm gonna RUN. Yep, me. Not my favorite past time,but on the days I don't get to the gym between 2-5 miles will be the usual. A bit of Bodyrocking (I love the routines) and what not will help too...

What really gets me is that before, all this was normal for me. Inactivity didn't fit into my vocabulary. Enter ft job, pt mom and an MBA and well, there you have it folks, the perfect recipe for gaining 15kg :/  

My short term goal is going to be 10kg/22lbs. I have 6 weeks before I go back to work and I plan on making them count! I don't have any excuses - so here's to sweat!

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